Essential Occupational Therapy is here to assist anyone who is unable to carry out their everyday tasks to the required standard (this includes all activities related to self-care, home maintenance, vocation, leisure, and recreation). Our Occupational Therapists can help with specific activity challenges, or can teach you how to manage problems with your functional skills and abilities which impacts all your activities, for example: time management problems, extreme fatigue, anxiety, pain or difficulty maintaining attention.
Essential Occupational Therapy works with people who are funded through:
- Automobile insurance after MVA
- Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB)
- Veteran Affairs Canada
- Long-Term Disability Insurers
- Extended Health Insurance
We also have clients who pay for services directly.
If you are not sure if we can help, please contact us. Our friendly staff will answer your questions and may be able to direct you to more appropriate services, if we are not the best service to meet your needs.