You want to engage in the activities and with the people that are important to you. We can help you reach your goals! Based on the information from assessment, combined with our knowledge and experience, we develop an individualized treatment program to help you succeed.

Treatment sessions are held in “real world” settings like your home, workplace, school or community. This enhances learning and speeds up the rehabilitation process. Our treatment will revolve around improving skills where improvement is likely, or developing alternate strategies or techniques when improvement in a specific area is not expected.

Available treatments include:

  • Individualized Home-Based Occupational Therapy Intervention
  • Traumatic Brain Injury Rehabilitation Programs
  • Community Reintegration
  • Personal Care Retraining
  • Exposure Therapy
  • Job Placement and Work Hardening
  • Supported Work Return
  • Supported School Return
  • Assistive Devices Training
  • Housekeeping and Home Maintenance Retraining
  • Practical Pain Management Programs and Education
  • Cognitive Rehabilitation
  • Stress Management Techniques

Individualized Home-Based Occupational Therapy Intervention

Tailored to your personal responsibilities, activities, and goals, each program is developed and implemented in your home, workplace and community using the real-life tasks you will need to perform in order to be successful. Clients are taught to implement new strategies and techniques, or change the task or physical set-up to better enable them to achieve their goal.

Traumatic Brain Injury Rehabilitation Programs

Brain injury can affect many aspects of an individual’s function, including physical skills and abilities, cognitive processes, and psychosocial skills. Our knowledgeable staff brings the weight of their collective experience to the unique challenges faced by individuals living with brain injury. Programs are designed to improve those skills that research shows can recover post-injury, and implement compensatory strategies in the case of a skill deficit. Our focus is practical and based on our understanding that clients with brain injury learn best doing meaningful tasks using an error-free and repetitive approach.

Community Reintegration

Assisting you to resume community roles and activities after serious injury or illness, this treatment provides intervention to improve social skills and community awareness. It may include role playing, guided practice interacting in challenging and busy community settings, and community safety training sessions.

Personal Care Retraining

In this treatment, therapists work with you to regain independence in personal care skills. You receive repetitive training using specialized techniques based on your assessment, recommended changes to the set-up, and adaptive equipment. Caregivers are taught how to facilitate maximal performance and independence. Treatments often involve body mechanics, energy conservation, work simplification training, and integration of cognitive compensatory strategies such as cue cards into the task or routine.

Exposure Therapy

Exposure therapy is a psychological treatment to help you confront your fears. When people are fearful of something, they tend to avoid it. This avoidance might help reduce feelings of fear in the short term, but over the long term it can make the fear become even worse. A graded program of exposure therapy will be developed with you. This program will consist of a series of activities or items or places which are distressing for you, ranked in order of least to most. With support, you will be “exposed” to the things you fear and avoid. This exposure to the feared objects, activities or situations reduces fear and decrease avoidance.

Exposure therapy has been scientifically demonstrated to be a helpful treatment or treatment component for a range of problems, including:

  • Phobias
  • Panic Disorder
  • Social Anxiety Disorder
  • Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
  • Posttraumatic Stress Disorder
  • Generalized Anxiety Disorder

Job Placement and Work Hardening

Appropriate work placements that provide suitable tasks and hours are developed with employers and agencies in the community, providing an opportunity to prepare for a return to work experience or to develop a new career path. If you have been out of the work force for some time, or have experienced an injury or illness that has changed your abilities, these placements provide an opportunity for you to rebuild your general work skills and to experiment with new and old activities.

Supported Work Return

Therapists work with you and your employer to develop a realistic return to work plan combining a modified or graduated resumption of job tasks and work hours. Required supports such as recommendations for modifications or job coaches are implemented to ensure success.

Supported School Return

Our therapists work with you and school staff to develop an individual plan which provides extra learning opportunities and strategies needed to achieve greater success in the classroom. Possible elements include quiet exam rooms, help with note-taking, or an educational or rehabilitation assistant to work one-on-one with the student in or outside of class as needed.

Assistive Devices Training

Specialized equipment and technological aides can greatly enhance your performance and eliminate more difficult aspects of a given task. Our therapists assess for and recommend the most suitable aids, and provide the appropriate amount of training based on the requirements of both you and the equipment.

Housekeeping and Home Maintenance Retraining

Our therapists work with you to improve your ability to complete home maintenance tasks like household cleaning, cooking and yard work. We use specialized training techniques based on your assessment, along with the changes to the set-up and adaptive equipment which enables you to become more independent in the home. Caregivers may be taught how to facilitate maximal performance and independence which enables you to become more successful and ultimately independent in the home.

Practical Pain Management Programs and Education

Pain may not be curable but our therapists offer a wealth of experience in helping people live satisfying and productive lives in spite of continuing pain. Working in a practical and hands-on way, you will learn to focus on achieving what you need to do, and how to minimize your pain symptoms. Pain reduction, relaxation and stress management strategies further enhance your treatment.

Cognitive Rehabilitation

Cognitive rehabilitation strives to help you to achieve the most independent or highest level of functioning possible. Based on your goals which take into consideration your current pattern of strengths and weaknesses, our treatment is targeted, practical and geared to developing greater independence, improving everyday functioning and achieving academic and vocational goals. Tasks from your school, work, and home environment are used as modalities to return you to your best level of functioning.

Stress Management Techniques

The effect of stress on people who are already dealing with fatigue, cognitive problems, and other issues can be debilitating. Stresses relating to changes in your finances, health, or social life may also be present. Our Therapist can help you to address this by offering a practical exploration of stress relieving techniques including relaxation, deep breathing, Mindfulness techniques, movement therapies such as yoga and tai chi, meditation, targeted resting, and cognitive strategies (like planning, scheduling and listing) to reduce the sense of being overwhelmed.